"HEY GOOD LOOK'N 26th October 2013

"Last visit" The last time that I went to see my brother Bob he was totally Awesome! He was his old self laughing, joking, telling my son and his girlfriend Renee about our childhood and some of the funny things that happened to us as kid's. His legs and feet were badly swollen, but he stayed positive and it was a visit that I'll never forget. All 3 of my kid's were there. He was so happy to see them, our sister's Shirley & Sharon and Jason. Jason wanted him to take him a ride on the lawn tractor but he couldn't do that so they blew each other a kiss instead! :-) I could sense a peacefulness with Bob that I'd never felt before. It was like he had made his peace with God concerning his deepest personal feelings that he carried in his heart his whole life. There's no doubt in my mind that Bob went to Heaven. I miss him beyond words but he's in a much better place. I know he had no choice but to go home to the Lord. I sang a song to Bob when we were alone that day and it's the only song that I've ever sang to him so I'm sure he was deeply touched. I always told him that he's the BEST LOOKING MAN in the whole world and I meant it because he really was a great looking guy! I sang...Hey good lookin' what cha got cookin' how's about cookin' something up with me? He goes...YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!! :-) Bob had such a loving heart and would do anything for ya. He was the BEST BROTHER any sister could have ever hoped for. R.I.P. little brother and I'll see you again someday! XOXO